Me maraville con su arte, su talento, su sensibilidad a la hora de crear, su vision de las cosas y todo hecho con una aguja de tejer!!
El premio es para: Mia Zamora

Pasen por su blog y deleitense!!!!
I marvel his art, his talent, his sensitivity to create his vision of things and everything done with a knitting needle!
The award is for: Mia Zamora
1) You have to pick 5 blogs that you copnsider deserve this award, creativity, design, interesting material, and also contrubuites to the blogger community, no matter of language.
2) Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.
3) Each award-winning, has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog thathas given her or him the ward itself.
4) Award-winning and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of "Arte y pico"blog , so everyone will know the origin of this award.
5) To show these rules.
12 comentarios:
Hermoso el blog premiado, lástima que mi ingles es muy pobre.
El blog arteypico tambien muy bueno.
Gracias para este premio!
Hola! I have received this wonderful award from a friend! Love the Idea! Perdoname el engles solo hablo portugues! Very creative! Thank you! Vanessa
I've received then too, and t's very funny and sooo so lovley. Thanks !!!!
Emy, aka Qiu
*lovely*, sorry
mucho gusto me encanto tu blog me gustaria saber si tu compartes los graficos de las revistas mostradas en el blog pq vivo en chile y no se encuentran muchas revistas aca,si es possible que los comparta estaria muy grata.
visita mi blog tambiem http://thamiartes.blogspot.com/
lindo jujujujuju, soy hombre estas cosas me asustan jejejej
received the award
received an award. thank you
I got an award..and handed 5 out!!
Sweet idea!
que bonito!!
esta muy bien echo
hola , los invito a ver mis obras en http://dianafont.lastertulias.com
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